A few photos from the Envision Fall 2010 fashion show.
It was a lot of work that was totally worth it, and yes, I had an awesome time, as well!
I miss seeing the girls and models that I worked with.
Met Christopher Straub, from Project Runway. He absolutely a very talented
individual and was super cool to talk and take photos with.
At last, I am now home laying on my comfy bed and feels sooo nice to just
rest and feel relaxed, after all the running around in my 4 1/2 inch heels.
Enjoy bloggers! =)
Christopher Straub.
My lovely Vivian ♥ She truly is a wonderful designer.
The glamorous Davee. (:
Ignite Model; Tierra. She was great to work with. I love her
sassy and cute personality.
Suzanne! She was just running around like crazy. Such a great
person to work with, also! I admire her passion.
Straub's design & model.
This look was so outrageous! I loved it!
The crazy dressing room.
Shoes & accessories.
More amazing shoes!!
Jewelriesss <3