What to write. What to share. Gather my thoughts. Put the words together. Put the sentences together. Create a story out of the words and the sentences. Or write an allegory. Or maybe a poem.
The thing is; I am so bored, so busy and empty that none of my stories are close to be put in words. I could tell you about the places I have traveled to. I could tell you about all the places I have ran away to. I could tell you about the endless green fields and the villages in little town Menomonie. I have been dreaming about for ages. I could tell you about the beauty that lies in between the opposites that/who never meet. I could tell you about ice cream breaks. I could tell you about my friend who had an emotional breakdown the other day and ended up doing an oil painting of me. I could tell you about how much it made me miss him. I could tell you about the abounded, silent island. I could tell you about happiness. I could tell you about misunderstandings. I could tell you about evening sun. I could tell you I am amazed by the way Siri Hustvedt manages to put everything in words, even the things you did not know you thought about. I could tell you about how it feels like crossing the highway, just to get to the other side. I could tell you about about crawling over and under barbed wires. I could tell you about how it feels like being chased my cops. I could tell you how it felt like being suspended. I could tell you how it felt like being in court. I could tell you that we all should be handed with road maps and time schedules, just so we don’t get caught by fate on our way. I could tell you how much I cried seeing my brother get taken away after being tricked my cops. I could tell you how good it feels it sit in a park listening to the sound of a city. I could tell you how to smile when you're at your worst. I could tell you about love and falling in love.I could tell you that I need something to ease me through the minefield of becoming too cynical. I could tell you how gullible I am. I could tell you about my friends who already thinks i'm too gullible.
I would tell you about the strange, little things that have happened lately if I only knew how.
Well, what do you know, I did manage to write something after all. Better than nothing, I would say.
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