Friday, January 22, 2010

Morning Beauty.

I admire the naked body.
I admire beautiful Woman.
I admire beautiful individuals.
I admire confidence.
But I don't admire boast.
 I admire nature.
I admire personality.
I admire carefree-ness.




  1. this is nice, this is the correct way of portraying nudity as a form of art. So sick of those poser wannabe import models stressing that posing nude is a form of art, it's's just trashy in most cases. And when it's not it should symbolize something else rather than the obvious.

  2. thanks for the comment, elrica! And I agree with you whole-heartedly!

  3. These shots are incredibly beautiful.

  4. yes! indeed they are! i love them too :)

  5. I've always wanted to shoot a woman like this, but I can never find someone whose willing to do it. Some day.

  6. i know what you mean. I think asian or hmong girls are shy about their body, but there are some who are very open with it too. But of course, it's all about keeping your options open. Anyways, GOOD LUCK! i'm sure you will be to find some one to shoot! ;)

  7. oooo I'm in love with these photos! great post!

  8. oh gosh this is adorable <3 i'm fololowing you already btw :)

  9. bonbonmilk: thank you dearr! ;)

    Alexandra: Lol, thank darling. You're so cute! i followed you too! =]


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